Finck Services of Kentucky
Finck Supported Living Services

Supported Employment

The idea behind Supported Employment is the belief that every individual is capable of working competitively in the community if the right kind of job and work environment can be found. Supported Employment provides individuals comprehensive supports to work successfully in the community with local businesses. Supports include career planning and assessment, job development, on-site job coaching, and long-term assistance to maintain employment with career growth. Our staff work closely with the individual, family, and community support agencies to boost the individual’s success and independence at work and in the community.

  • Supported Employment Services Support:
    The freedom to earn competitive wages and other benefits
  • Continued training and support services to improve the quality and maintain employment
  • Increased community participation opportunities
  • Continued career exploration, job placement and training to promote career change and growth

Service plans are tailored to suit the needs of each individual client. The core philosophy of Supported Employment is that all individuals can work at competitive jobs in the community and no one should be excluded from this opportunity.

A better way to care

Individualized Supported Living (MO)
Supported Community Living (KY)

Individualized Supported Living homes, or ISLs, (in Missouri) and Supported Community Living homes (in Kentucky) provide individuals with the opportunity to live in a more personal environment than those provided in group homes or residential care facilities. An ISL/SCL is located in a residential area, looks like any other home, is usually staffed 24 hours but that varies according to an individual’s needs and can have three housemates living together. The staff is trained specifically to support each person in the ISL/SCL and to respect the ISL/SCL as the individual’s home.

An ISL/SCL is NOT a group home. It is like any other residence where people live in the community. Individualized Supported Living is a description of how individuals with developmental disabilities are able to live in the community.

Meeting each individual’s needs to allow them to live in the community just like anyone else is our goal. It requires a focus on each individual we serve, taking the time and effort to get to know them, get to know the unique things that define them and then supporting them as they live in the community and follow their own path in life–just like the rest of us.

Fisher Heights Apartments in Fulton, Missouri allows individuals to live independently in a safe setting. They have their own one-bedroom apartments with kitchens. There is an on-site laundry and the office is staffed 24/7 for the convenience and safety of the residents.

Shared Living Homes (Missouri)

In Missouri, Shared Living homes give the individual with developmental disabilities the option of choosing to live with another individual, a couple or a family in the community. Shared Living can be provided in the home of the individual with developmental disabilities–Companion Services, or in the home of the care-giver–Host Home Services. People do best living in homes designed to meet their unique interests and support needs.

Our Shared Living program provides people with the opportunity to decide what home really means to them. Since home means something different to each individual, shared living offers the relationships, atmosphere and lifestyle of a family environment that may be preferred over a group home or an independent supported living home.

Shared living providers are trained and carefully selected to meet the needs and wishes of the individuals and their families or guardians.

We help match a person with a developmental disability to a Shared Living Provider. Shared Living Providers may be families, couples or individuals. The match between the supported individual and the provider is key to the success of Shared Living. Providers offer needed support to the person placed in their home and in return receive a stipend, as well as mutual companionship.   

If you are interested in becoming a shared living provider...

Please contact us by clicking the “I’m Interested!” button below. This will take you to an e-form to fill out. Explain in the form what it is about shared living that interests you, a little bit about yourself and your living situation and how a person might fit in with you. This will get the process started!